Sunday, February 24, 2008


Sci-fi action adventure fans are eager to see the next installment of the Indiana Jones franchise, so in anticipation of this, and taking advantage of the hype, Gentle Giant Studios (GGS) offered me the privilege of creating these pieces. Harrison Ford is like an icon for those of us who grew up in the Star Wars/Indiana Jones generation. Not featured in the gallery on the website, but shown here, is a bust I sculpted of Indy. I always liked the Indy movies, so this was a fun gig. Perhaps my favorite of the Indy flix is The Last Crusade, especially the scene at the end of the film when Indy has to walk by faith and not by sight to cross a bottomless chasm to safely reach eternal life on the other side. The scene is a great metaphor for living out Biblical Christianity, and also for my career as an artist. Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. It's by God's grace that I've made it this far, and if I'm to go on I will have to proceed with this same faith. That scene has been an inspiration to me, because many a time I've looked out and not seen a way forward, yet as I step out, the Good Lord provides the way.

Note the scale of the Crusader sculpture -- it's tiny, yet full of dynamism. I was thinking of all those great Remington sculptures when I was composing it. You may be asking yourself why I didn't sculpt Indy from the scene I'm speaking of. The answer is simple: I was asked by GGS to put Indy on horse back. I'm okay with that, because in the scene that inspired this piece, Indy is valiantly fighting enemies of goodness, the Nazis. I like that Indy is crusading against the antisemites -- another great historical metaphor that's also dominating the world political scene today. Both these pieces debuted last summer courtesy of GGS at Comic-Con '07.