Monday, June 30, 2008

Arich in...

You've got to love the Internet. I Googled Arich's name not too long ago to see what might pop up, and this (see link below) was among what I found. When you put your stuff online, you're sending it on a journey through a winding universe of virtual wormholes, and you never know from which of these holes it might peek out. (Some mysterious wormhole is the only way images of Arich's work could've ended up in eBaum's World.) We aren't really sure who posted the eight pictures there, but the site ranks in the Internet's top 1000 according to Alexa, so we're not complaining. Just be sure to proceed with caution if you do check it out... the site is controversial for good reason. But any publicity is good publicity, right?

Visit the link at